L-R: Darlene Ostrowski, Katie Johnson, Shawn Heerdt, Kelly Muszynski,
Jasmine Carter and Leslie Hunter



Blue Cat Tribe performs tribal-style bellydance, and is the sister troupe of the Chicago-based Read My Hips ensemble.

Our troupe is available for performances at clubs, private parties and special events.

A performance by Blue Cat Tribe includes stylistic elements borrowed from the folkloric dances of the Middle East, Kathak, Flamenco, and American modern dances. Our dancing includes floor work, sword balancing, and lively zill accompaniment.

For more information about Tribal style bellydance and/or information on taking classes in this dance form, please visit the Read My Hips website.

For information about booking us, please e-mail Stephanie, the director of Blue Cat Tribe.

Visit us on MySpace at http://www.myspace.com/bluecattribechicago